No Wild Turkeys in Metropolis

Commercialism will be the end of humanity.

My company moved the training department to Singapore some years ago.  A couple of years ago I went out to Singapore to train on the new stuff.  I had a great time while I was there, but found myself deeply disturbed by the rampant commercialism that was woven into the fabric of the city.  Singapore has few wild places left because it is an island that has been developed over centuries and the land was long ago swallowed up by the city.

When people become divorced from the land we become inhuman.

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed spending time with Singaporeans while I was there.  The thing was that Singapore is at the frontier of complete industrialization.  Looking over the edge of that cliff was frightening in that we could very easily fall off that precipice and become something different then we are now, a humanity less connected to the land and hell bent on using it up.

If we don’t re-connect to the land in our own ways through things like turkey hunting, camping, hiking and fishing we will cease to exist as we know it.

Enjoying the heck out of Korean beer, Soju and Kimchi with Hong at Red Pig, a really wonderful Korean joint in Singapore.

About ponderosaman

Please comment on my posts and let me know what you want to know about turkey hunting. I really like turkey hunting and think about it less then only one other thing. If you can't figure out what that other thing is, then I am not going to tell you;) This blog is no B.S., highly informative, and dedicated to getting you out and turkey hunting with as little time and effort as possible. I have started at the beginning and gone all the way to the end of this hobby without anyone, but my dad to help me. I learned how to turkey hunt from doing it and reading the internet. This sport is fun, tough and full of beautiful women. Just kidding about the women part, I have seen a total of two women in the turkey woods. If you are a woman and are reading this good for you. We need more of you out there. The whole point of my blog is to get all of you men, women and children to get out in the wild, love it and build a conservation ethic. For me putting myself back into the ecosystem is the number one thing that makes me want to care for it. I hope you will want that too if you don't already. Let me know how I can help!!
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